Killtopia: Phantoms is a new sequel series to the original Killtopia arc, created and written by Dave Cook.
Set in Neo Tokyo five years after the events of Killtopia #5, Phantoms is a police thriller that follows an ex-Wrecker turned cop who hunts a new breed of terrorist who can hack into peoples’ minds and make their worst fears feel like reality.
Killtopia: Phantoms explores the darker side of Neo Tokyo, with elements of psychological horror and a deeper look at the yakuza underworld that was touched on in the original story arc.
The story’s elusive mind hacker is making the lives of Neo Tokyo’s citizens hell by tearing society apart at the seams. They‘re manipulating people around the world by implanting misinformation, bullshit conspiracy theories, paranoia and hatred into their minds. Worst still, they’ve started hijacking people like puppets to carry out murders on their behalf.
Together with the members of Phantoms Unit (an elite police division) the ex-Wrecker hunts for the hacker before they can trigger the final phase of their devastating master plan.
Stay tuned for more information and reveals in 2024.
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Killtopia: The Complete Collection will release October 2024 across the UK and US through publisher Titan Comics.
The book collects our whole first story arc, with remastered versions of Killtopia #1 and #2, bonus content and more.
See where it's available and preorder now!